Please make your booking below.
Select your preferred location, booking type and time (Sydney Time, AEST). If you cant find you preferred time/day, feel free to send me a message. After making your booking, here’s what happens next: 1. Prior To Your Consultation: You will receive a confirmation email with pre-consultation form attached. Please complete prior to your consultation. 2. Initial Consultation: During this one hour consultation, we discuss your health goals and health concerns. We discuss nutritional strategies based on your diet, lifestyle and presenting symptoms. 3. Pathology Analysis & Treatment Plan: After the initial consultation, I review pathology results in line with information gained from the consultation to devise your treatment plan or request further testing. 4. Ongoing Support/Follow Up: Follow up consultations allow us to tweak and change your plan to increase success in reaching your heath goals. Costs
Also available: 12 week program, $79 per week 6 week program, $89 per week After initial consultation, paid via automatic direct debit Private health refunds are available through some providers. |
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me on 0400 354 722
Nourish & ThriveInitial Consultation plus 2 follow-up consultations - $355
Follow-up consultations are to be used within four weeks. Inclusions: